Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The following is a true story

So I was sitting outside on my patio smoking a cigarette, staring up at the clouds. I noticed that one of the clouds looked a lot like Bowser from Super Mario Bros. All of the sudden my annoying neighbor comes outside to call for her cat. An incredibly annoying, high pitched, "HEEERRREEE KITYKITYKITYKITYKITYKITY!!!!!" which she does all the time. Honestly it's almost as annoying as it is hilarious. She broke my concentration, but as soon as I looked back at the Bowser cloud, it was still Bowser, but now he was making a sad face.

That woman made the clouds sad.



  1. she would make a cloud sad... she should just shake a food bag, if I were her cat I wouldn't come running to the sound of her squealing here kitykitykity either.

  2. as a matter of fact. if anyone called me like that. i'd hit 'em, POW right in that kissah.
